"Nails", Carpathian,.....Lots and lotsa big shiny nails.
And quit sniffing that glue!
(Didn't you at least have an, "Erector Set" or something as a kid)?
I could send you cabinets, "Flatboxed".
BIG, GIANT, flat-boxes
Besides, my "Di-Pole", designs do not use "Enclosures". Just tall and very wide baffles. It's the bass registers where things get complicated. And Very, very heavy! Currently working on a subwoofer system which is a "triangular vertical column". A sub on each of the three sides, "Per stack unit", to "0-sum" the movement of the transducers. So three "technically", vertical lines of sub's. "stacks" of three subwoofers in each, "Compartmented unit". A-"Sub-Line source array", "Laser-Accelerator measured, Servo-controlled", creating three, "Cylindrical", waves. One each, launched from the three sides of the column. so you'll only need, "One-Subwoofer"! Regardless of the rooms size!
Just sayin...