How to hook JL F112 sub to both preamp and pre/pro

OK, so I impulsively bought an F112 sub. WOW. Great for movies via LFE sub out from Sunfire pre/pro. However, cant engage sub when I use source direct mode, which bypasses all processing. Sub only has line level input. Been thinking about buying separate 2 chnl reamp with HT bypass anyway, but not sure how I would hook that in. Maybe a line level switch box, where I would send the LFE out from the pre/pro and also sub out or second set of L/R output from preamp ansd switch them as needed? Is there such an animal, or any other ideas? Thanks...Jeff
JL Audio does not support that type of multiple connection, as you know, and I don't think you can get what you want with one sub. I think you probably need to get a sub crossover, Bryston 10b, or 2 way Marchand 44, and run your speakers full out. Set up the Pre/pro with no sub but full range speakers it will send all info including the LFE, through the HT theater bypass to the 2 channel preamp. When you output from your 2 channel preamp to the crossover, it will output all of the lowest frequencies to the sub from both LFE and music to the sub. So if your speakers go down to 40 hrz, you would probably crossover through the electronic crossover at about 45 - 50 hrz with a set slope, testing and listening for the best settings of course, until you get it perfect. All of the LFE effects will come through the sub without damaging the speakers.
texas, are you sure you can't connect both a 2 channel preamp and a HT pre/pro to a fathom sub simultaneously? i was running this setup for a while (on the advice of JL Audio) without any issues. RCA from the HT pre/pro; XLR from the 2 channel preamp. XOver in the HT Processor was set higher than that in the sub. worked great.
Srosenberg, assume your preamp had two sets of outputs for L/R? Also, would assume that one has to be careful not to send signals from both preamp and pre/pro simultaneously, LOL. Seriously though, if that was done in error, could it damage the sub?