Sam here and l just made a new discovry.

O.k this indirectly relates to music as i'm using frequencies.Using my multimeter on the hertz setting i discovered that canned food no matter what it is always measures at 0 hz and 0 hz means the food is dead and when i test fresh organic produce it measures between 20 and 25 hz and is alive, so i used my tone generator set at 20 hz using a clip running from the tone generator and clipped onto the metal lip of the canned good for 1 minute and take a second reading with the multimeter and now the food measures at 20 hz the same as the fresh organic produce even though the food has been sitting in a can for a year.This may be nothing however it may be something.
carpathian, it Is fascinating to see what approach The K has for the next installment, 'tis true.

Whatever the 'theme', we're always couched as either wrong, deluded, in need of being educated in some fashion beyond our ken....jit.....😏

One would think....or, at least, Hope....that Someone here, with systems spanning from the simple to the Sublime, would/could extract the hint of a nod of appreciation....even a mote of acceptance.


I keep 'tuning in', if only to watch the floor show.  The actors tend to be the same, but the script has it's subtle variations to look for.... ;)

I'm reminded of those 2 'black holes' that were recently observed to merge....

The scientists' held their breath...and seemed to be disappointed to the outcome....*L*

Just shows' to go ya..🤪
Sam here and everyone knows the future does not make sense perhaps i'm ahead of my time like a time traveler in my mind being givin knollage in my subconcience mind.All i can estimate is my ideas are too revolutionary for regular folks from 2020 or perhaps you were taught 1 way not realizing that your teacher lied to you to keep the truth hidden and it's to hard to unlearn what you were taught so i can educate you in the real truth that has been supressed.
Imagine if you could listen to your audio system positioned immediately on top of the intersection of multiple ley lines.  People have known about this stuff since 1925...
Actually Sam I am watching that series on Netflix right now.
It’s called The Travellers.

Does explain a lot.....
Have you tried dried foods like beans, herbs and spices?  How about dehydrated fruit?  Yogurt?  It's still living as it has cultures in it.  What about nuts?   They'd fit right in...