Preamp Rectifier Tube Confusion

I have a Primaluna Prologue 3 which uses 5AR4 rectifier tubes which id like to roll. I’m looking at ShuGuang WE274B tubes which list as replacements for 5AR4 / 5U4G / 274B. 
However, the Primaluna manual lists compatible tubes as: GZ34, CV1377, 5V4G, 5T4, 5Y3 and Upscale Audio also list the Philips 5R4GYS.

Any idea if the ShuGuang would work?
be careful applying these ’review results’ of rectifiers in little headphone amps to real amps driving real speakers with serious electrical loads

as pointed out below, think about what a rectifier actually does in circuit

’after enough scotch, malt whiskey and/or 420, even the same sh*t will sound different’ LOL

If the 5AR4 changes the sound of the preamp (assuming the originals are good) then you have bigger fish to fry. It should not make any difference at all- the difference between good 5AR4 and lessor examples is reliability. The power supply has to be designed well enough that the audio circuit is properly bypassed and the sawtooth waveform at the output of the rectifier is filtered out. If that has been done, then its expectation bias if you think you hear a difference.

OTOH, you will hear a difference from the tubes in the audio path- if you want to hear a nice improvement that's a far better place to put your dollars!
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