Happy 24th birthday!
Glad to see all this zany fuse business has finally been settled!
Glad to see all this zany fuse business has finally been settled!
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
The Naysayer Doctrine (a faith-based religion) clearly has it’s roots deeply embedded in, "measurements" and, "engineering experience". I’d be interested in hearing what (if any) measurements have been taken and/or what experiments have been conducted, by the Naysayer Evangelists, or their Popes, that aren’t based on an Engineering/Physics understanding of electricity/electromagnetism from the 19th Century (ie: Ohm, Maxwell, Faraday, etc). The same cult was taking shots at Nikola Tesla, back in his day! https://nextexx.com/2020/06/18/why-do-scientists-hate-tesla/ He still managed to take the world, kicking and screaming into the 20th Century, with his inventions. A good read: https://www.amazon.com/Man-Who-Invented-Twentieth-Century/dp/148122980X |