Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO

Cool! Do you have room for both tables?

Well, #1, still awaiting the Jelco 850, but it’s on its way. But, tinkered with it....unboxed, set-up as much as I can, just got acquainted so to speak.....had to talk to @tomic601 to make sure any concerns I had were unfounded, etc. He assures me everything seems normal sans arm.

But, it is a beast at 50 lb. Build quality seems pretty incredible.

in terms of room for two? Yet to be decided. Of course I could figure something out. I want a mono table, so could use the Carbon for that, or, buy another headshell with a mono cart installed, and sell the Carbon. I’m sure I could put the cash to immediate use 😉 The real issue with the additional headshell is primarily VTA differences between two or more carts, as the Jelco doesn’t have ‘VTA on the fly’ adjustment. Albeit you can purchase one for $200. And that is on my radar should I decide that route.

One thing I finally worked out with my new wall decoupling system is I now have my two tt’s on the same platform for easy comparison.

Of course, my Trio allows for two phono inputs.

VTA on the fly is a nice item. In precise thinking, anytime you raise/lower your arm, it does affect VTF.

My Funk Firm arm has manual VTA and it really isn’t a big deal.

Regarding any future thinking on cartridges, your first mention of SoundSmith is solid!

Additionally, whatever arm you use will require a specific amount of lead-shot under the arm board to counter-balance the overall weight/level.

If you need lead shot, I have plenty.

The New Basement Tapes
Year of the Cat
Honky Chateau
Les Brown and his Band of Renown (direct to disc)
Fly Like an Eagle
Book of Dreams
The Ghost of Tom Joad