Let's be a little meta: What topics are most hotly debated?

Fuses? Power conditioners? Analog vs. Digital? Class D amplification?


The most hotly debated subject is bass.  What to do if you don't have enough, how to make it better, subwoofers, crossovers, EQs, room treatment.  Nothing launches more audiophiles out of there listening chairs faster.  Of course I'm guilty of this too, I've just realized that this is a subject with no end in sight.
I do find though that many of the bass discussions are actually more often real discussions...
Depends on your definition of "hotly debated"?

Your answer of bass and the reasoning suggests to me that it might be the most common which is distinctly different to hotly debated.

I would have to say Fuses gets my vote for hotly debated, you only have to look at how many went off the rails and that Aunty Fuser succeeded in getting removed.
Cables! Let's talk cables! 

Really expensive ones!

Really expensive power cables!

Maybe...someone should make and sell... the first $1000 fuse!

Yeah, that's the ticket....
Great. Now we have a thread where we can "hotly debate" which topic(s) on Audiogon are subjected to the hottest debates.

Well, no harm no foul. Have at it, group!