5 legendary speakers?

I have recently read Ken Kessler's old but still wonderful review of Sonus Faber Extremas. He ends the review by saying that "It is one of a handful of loudspeakers which qualify as legends."

I own a pair of Extremas, and I agree with Kessler's statement. Now, I am curious to know what other audiophiles consider "legendary speakers" based on their own experience. I would define legendary speakers as ones that are path breaking, that redefined the frontier of sound quality that is affordable by the average audiophile (I know, it's a vague definition). Let me give my list of 5 legendary speakers. These are all old speakers I would live with today.

1. Quad ESL 57
2. Klipsch K-Horn
3. Thiel CS5i
4. Sonus Faber Extrema
5. Sonus Faber Amati
From memory(and owned a few).....

Infinity Servo Static,Infinity RS-1B,"definitely" Quad ESL 57(or even 63),Avalon Ascent Mk- II,and without a doubt the Magico Mini II!

The Magico Mini(to me)was/is the most impressive of the lot,as it "slaughtered" the vast majority of the "Big Buck/Big Box" designs,in that it truly matched them in sonics and dynamics,and had better tonal qualities....not to mention a small footprint...."Gorgeous cabinetry too"!

Those still owning this speaker should feel lucky to have it,rather than befuddled by a "new model"!

Best to all

I'm one of those still owning the Magico Mini II. It's too early to know if it will be a "legend", but it sure sounds and looks great. I read that the Q1 sounds much better. I'm not befuddled and feel quite lucky.

Sorry I can't add to the list.
I have on hand:                                                KLH Nines                                                        Quad 57's (two pairs)                                    DQ10's                                                              DCM Time Windows 1A                                Snell Type AIII                                                Rogers LS3/5A                                                Ohm Walsh Sound Cylinders                        Not all set up at the same time, of course!
The Snell Type AIII can certainly compete with any of today's big-buck speakers!