Msb dacs why not alot of postings

These are vonsifered the best out i wrong ?
Dow Jones: why every single “contribution” of yours in here is about how everything does NOT matter to sound quality?

Serious question.

Dow Jones 50,000!!! Yeah baby!!
By the way it’s Dow Jones 30. Not 51. I get it you are almost 70 years old next year, but for the sake of clarification.

Crossing fingers the social security trust fund does not run out of money for you. 
Hi @mikelavigne : I just checked your audio gig under he Systems. It’s by far the best system I have ever seen in here. Congratulations! Well done!
That's correct I haven't the slightest idea what DAC I'm using if you know which DAC is used in Dutch and Dutch 8c's then you know more than me. I'm not sure what's used in the Kii 3 and I still would advise the OP to give them a listen with the BXT stack. 

Hey @mikelavigne : you are spot on. I wish I had your testicular fortitude in approaching these Dow Jones types.
i don't really see my posting as approaching anyone. i had no such intent. just answering your question.

i do happen to think there are lots of modestly priced fine sounding dacs out there. so i do understand why it's hard for some to not connect the dots on what makes some dacs so expensive.....and whether they are worth it. the value equation is different for everyone......depends on your expectations.

personally i came to MSB trying to find a dac to be seamless in my system with lots of high level analog. that is a tall order. and the MSB does that better than any digital i have heard. my vinyl and tape are top level. 

so if you are simply wanting to improve your current digital, then the answer for you might be different than for me. and we can both be completely right. my only issue here on Audiogon is that so many opinions are offered without ever listening......mostly dismissing products just based on price. more social commentary than a hobby forum mindset. and so be it. i just don't happen to care much for it and it's off putting to me.

i certainly do not look down my nose at well performing modestly priced gear. nor should i. if i did i deserve scorn.