Length of speaker cables

I just went from 2 channel amp to mono blocks. Is it important that I stop using 4 meter audio quest rocket 88 and downsize to 6 ft? Will there be an audible improvement?
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What is the monoblock DF figure?

The cables shall be calculated per DF and length.
As higher the DF thicker the cable shall be. If your monoblocks are tube Amps, the cable is insignificunt as those Amps have very low DF.

If the Amps are SS or digital the DF is high and the cable's thickness is critical. It is not about the brand or the model. It's the resistance value.

Tell me what is you New monoblocks DF is and what length you would like to have (mostly a requirement per location, and I'll recommend you what the thickness shall be.

I don’t know how to answer the question. The mono blocks are Krell 575XD. Already purchased 6 ft William Tell Zeros
Mr. steven0713

The DF is 530 (https://www.krellhifi.com/products/solo-575-xd-mono-amplifier/technical-specifications/).
It’s a relatively high DF.
For 6ft a #0 AWG is recommended.
But why 6ft.?
As your Krell 575XD is equipped with XLR input, use as long as you wish XLR to XLR between the monoblocks and the your Pre.
Use as short cable as you can between the speakers and the Amps.
If you would go down to 3ft (1m) you could do with #4 AWG.
If you could do 1.5ft (0.5m) you could use #8 AWG.
This is why monoblocks: to be placed as close to the speakers.
So you better use it and go that way...

This is a cable you can work with, to connect to such banana plugs:
Find a US supplier, as China / Hong Kong do not have shipping because the COVID-19 blockdown. (US price: less than $10.-)
Find an #8 AWG OFC cable (USA made) on eBay and order some.
A simple soldering would make the desired connections (don’t use the mini screws supplied).
I guarantee that this is the best and lower cost solution you may get.
Even a thicker cable, won’t improve sound.
Any thinner or longer, will sound less good.
Tested and proven mathematically.