Msb dacs why not alot of postings

These are vonsifered the best out i wrong ?
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Msb dacs why not a lot of postings
No need to post anything, when you've got something like discrete R2R of this kind of caliber, your too busy listening to real music to give a ratz **** what anyone thinks about it or it's pricing.

Cheers George
Hi Everyone,
Newbie on this subject...can anyone compare or comment on the Kii3 dacs as opposed to MSB?  Is it even possible?

I feed an analog signal to my Kii3's so it has to be ADC'd back to digital in the Kii, and the Kii team are confident enough re this conversion that they say if a difference is detectable then there is a weakness in the analog chain feeding the Kii!  

I cant imagine there would be any major advantage to adding a high end DAC in the system but would be interested to hear others thoughts. 


I cant imagine there would be any major advantage to adding a high end DAC in the system but would be interested to hear others thoughts.
Kii is correct there would be no reason to add any DAC the preferred method of input is digital unless you’re connecting phono. If sending an analog signal from a DAC the ADC in the Kii is convertig the analog signal back to digital running it through it’s DSP and using it’s DAC to convert back. No matter what DAC you use in front of the Kii it would sound the same since it’s the Kii DAC that does the final conversion.
I cant imagine there would be any major advantage to adding a high end DAC in the Kii system but would be interested to hear others thoughts.
No matter what DAC you use in front of the Kii it would sound the same since it’s the Kii DAC that does the final conversion.

And the dac’s are not near the hiend quality of this threads MSB subject or it’s nearest competitors. It would really be something to hear if there were a bunch of MSB R2R dac’s in the KII innards.

Cheers George