You indicated that you have a 4K HD television. If you want to be able to streaming 4K content and sources, you will need that HDMI 2.0 support in a processor.
The alternative is to connect your source directly to the television, but then you have challenges on how to get the audio signal into the HT processor.
That being said, you don't necessarily have to have a processor that supports HDMI 2.0 and 4K. You can play 1080p video through the processor and TV. The TV will still accept the signal and scale the image to the native 4k resolution.
Using a digital input from bluray player can be done, but it really depends. I have seen some processors having a problem when you have Dolby Digital Plus. Sometimes, the only way to do Dolby Digital Plus is over HDMI on a newer type processor.
The alternative is to connect your source directly to the television, but then you have challenges on how to get the audio signal into the HT processor.
That being said, you don't necessarily have to have a processor that supports HDMI 2.0 and 4K. You can play 1080p video through the processor and TV. The TV will still accept the signal and scale the image to the native 4k resolution.
Using a digital input from bluray player can be done, but it really depends. I have seen some processors having a problem when you have Dolby Digital Plus. Sometimes, the only way to do Dolby Digital Plus is over HDMI on a newer type processor.