@mitch4t, Another question is HOW interested are you in these Audio Research Reference 750 Mono Block Amplifiers, list price of $55,000, on sale for $16,995? Have you been looking for a long time? Do you REALLY LIKE these amps for this price? To be honest, I am surprised these amps are for sale at such a substantially reduced price so I guess that is another question to ask the retailer? Are these amplifiers working okay and do their tubes need to be replaced? Do these amplifiers come with any kind of a warranty? What happens if they stop working after 30-60 days? I am not a tube person so is 800 hours of demo use a reasonable amount? How old are these amplifiers?
@stereo5 said "That dealer has been trying to 'unload' those mono locks for over a year now". This might explain the reduced sale price and would be a concern to me.
Your post states you asked about the audition fee and there was no response (AFTER 2 weeks). This is a MAJOR concern of why is the retailer not responding to a potential interested party. It does not say good things about their customer service.
IF you are really interested in these amplifiers, AND the charge to audition these amplifiers is 'reasonable', then I suggest you give them a listen. The price is right so you maybe should give them an audition.
HOWEVER, based on the ABOVE posts, several people have expressed various concerns about this transaction. Based on my 'understanding' of the translation, the audition fee, the implied condition of these amplifiers, the retailer, etc., I have concerns about a possible purchase (IMHO) and suggest you do more research and investigating.
@stereo5 said "That dealer has been trying to 'unload' those mono locks for over a year now". This might explain the reduced sale price and would be a concern to me.
Your post states you asked about the audition fee and there was no response (AFTER 2 weeks). This is a MAJOR concern of why is the retailer not responding to a potential interested party. It does not say good things about their customer service.
IF you are really interested in these amplifiers, AND the charge to audition these amplifiers is 'reasonable', then I suggest you give them a listen. The price is right so you maybe should give them an audition.
HOWEVER, based on the ABOVE posts, several people have expressed various concerns about this transaction. Based on my 'understanding' of the translation, the audition fee, the implied condition of these amplifiers, the retailer, etc., I have concerns about a possible purchase (IMHO) and suggest you do more research and investigating.