When I created this post, I was truly curious if high end stores were now charging for an in-store demo. I’d never before heard of such a thing.
I had no intention of being critical of the seller...I just wanted to know if this was now a widespread and common practice in high end audio. Had I’d walked into a hifi shop unaware of this practice and a guy told me there’s a $500 fee for an audition, I would’ve been offended and felt insulted. Now that I’m aware of it, I can choose to walk in their doors or not.
I love Audio Research preamps. I’ve owned several of them and I think they are amazing. I’ve always wondered if their tube amps are as good as their preamps.
I own two pairs of Pass Labs monoblocks that I’m thoroughly satisfied with. I’ve been member of Audiogon for 20 years. Without fail, year in and year out I keep hearing about the magic of tube amplifiers from members of this forum. I’d never entertain the thought of paying $60k for an amplifier...however, if the price was right on a pre-owned pair, I’d consider a change if the tube amps were all they were cracked up to be.
The amps are now priced at $17k.
I’ve also had the same curiosity about high powered Class-A monoblocs.
I periodically peruse Audiogon to see if these megabuck amps have fallen into my price range. Well, the current monoblocks are in my price range. However, I don’t need any amplifiers....but if I can be convinced by proof of listening that these monoblocks in question are head and shoulders above what I currently have, I’d certainly entertain the thought of purchasing them. I could sell my current amps to absorb part of the purchase price.
This seller is asking $500 for an in-store demo.
If that’s his business policy, I have no quarrel with that. But I do have a choice whether or not to go along with it.
These amps for sale have no warranty.
My current system is here: