For the dedicated tapeheads, this might be of interest...
Just for the few dedicated souls who still actually play pre-recorded cassette tapes, you may find this usefull if any of your tapes have "the squeal"!
A couple days ago I played two back to back that developed the squeal part way through that just got unbearable before tapes end.
Now this I always thought was due to the transport getting sticky but it now seems it is actually the tape itself that is sticking due to lack of lubricant. Who even knew that audio tape was lubricated??
And apparently the worse offenders are the XDR range of tapes that are claimed to all have been faulty direct from the factory.
Watch the youtube video, its got a bit too much blather in it for my liking BUT when he gets to the solution it is quite simple and I can attest to the fact that it WORKS!