best CD player for you:Reimyo,P8i,AA,Esoteric x01.

I own the following system:Avalon eidolon, connoisseur preamp, Halcro DM68,and EMM labs combo, and as I don´t use the EMM labs as SACD, I want to buy a new one box only CD player.
I´m thinking on the followings posibilities:

Esoteric x-01, Lindemann 820 and DCS P8i these also let me to hear SACD
Reimyo and AA capitole as only CD players

The true is that I´m not convinced with the sound of the EMM labs playing CD´s, my feel is that the sound is a little cool and sterile, this with the Avalon and DM 68 makes that the sound is not what I want, said this I´m looking for a little more warm sound, but as I can´t hear the Reimyo I ask you this question. Thanks to all for your reply.
Emigene, I would recommend you take a look at a thread I started entitled, Reference DACS: An overall perspective, that will give alot of the information/opinions that you are asking about. My hunch is that you are looking for what we call a category #2 sonic signature that adds "warmth/musicality" but doesnot sacrifice details and transparency. Type #2 cdp/dacs would include the Reimyo,Accustic Arts,Audio Note to mention a few. Hope this helps.

I believe I know what you are looking for, as I went through a similar process with my Esoteric UX-1 and the EMM products. I think you will find the Esoteric X-01 to be too analytical, especially if the EMM is not statisfactory for you.

The Reimyo CDP-777 has been quite a revelation for me concerning CD playback. If you consider this unit, be sure to use the Harmonic Studio Master AC cable, and use the single ended outputs. The other players you have listed are also excellent; you will have to decide what is right for you.

Best Wishes,

I've never found the EMM combo cool or clinical. Are you using the CDSD? Also, what cables are you using? They can make a huge difference in the tonal character of the sound. I auditioned the Reimyo, and while it's an excellent player, I found it a little "plump" sounding for my taste. Paradoxically, it sounded a little tizzy in the highs. But these things are so subjective, it's really hard to offer advice.
Emigene; i use the emmlabs and find it very natural sounding. the reference that i use for performance is my Rockport tt and live music; not other digital players.

i have heard the emmlabs combined with the Halcro and Wilson X-2 and Wilson MAXX II a number of times and found that the combination is not a good one to my ears. the Wilson when matched with the Halcro needs some warmth somewhere to attain a natural balance.

even though the Avalon Eidolon and the Wilson's are different; IMHO they would have similar tonal characteristcs.

so i understand your need for added warmth. my point is that your problem is not your source; but the tonal character of your amps and speaker combo. the emmlabs is 'correct' if the system is natural in it's balance.

IMHO your post might give some the wrong impression about the emmlabs.

i also agree with Steve that if you find the emmlabs sterile or cold the Esoteric will be considerably more so in comparison.

BTW, those other players are all very good too and i'm not commenting on which might be best; simply on why you hear what you hear.