What's In Your Tape Cassette Deck Tonight?

With cassette tape making a HUGE comeback in todays ultra-lame-digital-world - what's in your cassette decks these days?

Today, cassette tapes that are cool again are:

O​.​L​.​V. - Old Light Variations by Old Light
Problems by Wooden Indian Burial Ground

Rock on curlycassettes.com! So easily you make us smile
Days of Future Passed .... The Moody Blues.

Everything I see says this is an original 1967 Deram tape😲
Sorry!  Update on Cassette Store Day:


I've attended the past several.  Most of the titles are pretty obscure and/or something I would never listen to, but I found a few.

Not sure what the future of CSD will be?
That’s actually pretty sad story there.
What a world.

Right now.

Aerosmith S/T

1980 reissue