What is the flavor of the year now ?

Because i know about 1 1/2 to 2 years ago it was the Jolida JD100, professional reviewers and consumers alike couldn't say enough good things about it, and how for around a grand, you can get the best cd player since sliced bread, but now, it's a piece of crap, entry level, no detail, blah, blah, blah. And everything seems to be able to just "blow it away", anyway, i'm just curious, which cd player is the pimp daddy of them all now ??
Flavors of the "month":

Now, Canary CD-100 ? And before that Audio Aero Prima (kind of parallel to the Jolida in popularity).

Now, on the DAC front: Non-oversampling DACS ?

To be serious: You still hear many good comments about the Jolida and for that price you still find many A'gonners that recommend it. I believe all of the above are excellent digital front-ends. It is just that tastes develop (maybe better devolve) and change over time. And everyone has different tastes to make matters worse. Also, too much dependence on system synergy to start with.

Well, the Jolida is far from a piece of crap, and I sure wouldn't be interested in what CDP any reviewer that may say so might be "pimpin'".

The new year rapidly approachs, maybe you should wait a few months to see what next years' flavor is.