Bluesound installed DAC - music killer?

Ever throw a sheet over your speakers?  Sure sounded like this to me when I began using bluesound.  Soooo disappointing.   So it will be resigned to a streamer after a new DAC arrives.
@emergingsoul I bought a Node 2i back in July, I didn't think it was too bad for the price. I had always planned on getting a DAC, but I could live with the built in DAC. Last night I installed my new Chord Qutest.  I knew it would make a difference but I thought it would be more subtle. I hear so many things, but what comes to mind is clean, detailed, black backgrounds. Each note is so defined and clean, yet not a hint of analytical or sterile or bright at all, and I haven't even played with the filters on it, I am using the incisive neutral. It is also soooo much more open, each instrument more separated from the rest, duets each have their own detail separate voice in the mic. I love it.
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Sounds like Your new chord Dac is like attending a live recording/performance. Filters nice to play with.

i want nothing between me and my calvins.