Back to trying to upgrade Harbeth 30.1s

I'm hoping someone has done some of the work for me. I've upgraded everything else and now I'm back trying to improve on my Harbeth 30.1s. The issue is space. I need either another stand mount or a small floor stander with a similar footprint because of my listening space. I'm 8 feet from the speakers, so it's near field listening. I'm generally happy with the Harbeths but I'm hoping to squeeze out some extra dynamics and bass without sacrificing tonality. Especially interested in anyone that has done listening tests with the 30.1 vs other speakers.
Well it should be easy to try a P3ESR. Those trade like currency on Audiogon. I should grab and pair a do a comparison. Thanks for the Marten suggestion @Ryder. Are they tonally closer to Raidho than Harbeth. I've tried C1s and they were too cold for me.
I was ready to purchase the M30.1 a few years ago to replace my Spendor BC-1s and s5e's, and this was after a one week home audition.  I then had the opportunity to hear the Omega Super Alnico Monitor (SAM) and I couldn't get them out of my head.  After a week or so of vacillating back and forth between the two, I pulled the trigger on the Omegas (at a savings of almost $3K). I have not looked back since - to my ears (and my wife's) the Omega's were the clear winner.  Once broken in, they are amazing speakers with all sorts of music - I listen to jazz, chamber music, Americana, acoustic, symphonies, the Who, Pink Floyd, the National, ... The Omega's midrange to me beats that of the Harbeth.  They have a solid foundation (amazing for a 6" single driver) probably because of the cabinet (although I have added some small subwoofers so I can get that lat extra bit of oomph from Mahler). I have never felt that the highs are lacking.  To show them off to family and friends, I play "Keith Don't Go" from the Nils Lofgren Live disc, and everyone comes away shaking their heads on how good these speakers sound. Here s a link to an Audiogoner talking about his SAM.
Perhaps I got this wrong.  OP is asking for more dynamics and increased bass, so he's sent by some to a speaker with a woofer almost half the size of his current one obviously contained in a smaller volume sealed box.  Humm?

I would look at an active monitor or small footprint floor stander.  No more real estate required and certainly more dynamics plus more controlled bass.  PCM, ATC, Focal.  You get the drift.
Yeah, I tried a ATC SCM 20s at our old place and loved them but I can't get power to where the speakers are. The listening space is great but has limitations.