I happen to own Apogee Divas and CS5i's although extremely modded which have a cast marble baffle. These speakers were $10k in 1999 and would easily be 40K today. There is nothing inexpensive about the way the CS5i is made nor they way Alon is making his. Machining everything is extremely expensive and nobody should refute that. Is it the most cost effective way to produce a speaker? NO WAY! But it costs what it costs to make it that way. His older designs are insanely expensive to manufacture. B&W has gone the lighter weight stiffer way and have a very cost effective way to manufacture however for the clients Alon is going after nothing less would do as they want statement bespoke items.
I happen to own Apogee Divas and CS5i's although extremely modded which have a cast marble baffle. These speakers were $10k in 1999 and would easily be 40K today. There is nothing inexpensive about the way the CS5i is made nor they way Alon is making his. Machining everything is extremely expensive and nobody should refute that. Is it the most cost effective way to produce a speaker? NO WAY! But it costs what it costs to make it that way. His older designs are insanely expensive to manufacture. B&W has gone the lighter weight stiffer way and have a very cost effective way to manufacture however for the clients Alon is going after nothing less would do as they want statement bespoke items.