Help with TT ideas for my first TT

Hi All,

I have been reading alot of reviews and searching around for my first TT.  ALot of recent recordings that i want are basically only coming out on vinyl or super crappy mp3.  I have an Aaron integrated amp, with some custom built SB Acoustic Monitors (Bromo).

I am looking at the marketplace in the 1 - 1.5k range and see I can find alot of different solutions and wanted to get peoples thoughts:

Marantz tt-15 - Seems like  bargain at 1500, but difficult to setup
Clearaudio Concept - good reviews, bumps against the magnetic arm (Cement floor at my place)
Music Hall MMF 7.3 - Seems like a great solution
VPI Cliff Wood
Pro-ject X1 or X2 - Have read some reports of motor noise
Rega Planar 2 or 3 - Seems to be they are what they are

With such a crowded field how do people choose?  I live in Central Mass, and dont have alot of options in terms of auditions so would love to get peoples thoughts. 
argh more choices, I came here with 6 now up to 8.

Based on the list what are things that people think could be over rated or at the bottom of the list.  Seems like the 1 - 1.5k range is very busy with lots of good options.

The MMF, MoFo and Rega seem to be moving to the top of the pack.
Well, I have heard the Marantz, alas none of the other tts mentioned. 
In comparing the Marantz to my SME 10 A (using SME V tonearm) I could only be positive surprised i.e. there was hardly, if any, performance difference for me to discern.
(Look up my system for perspective of what I'm saying). 
Depending on the quality of cartridge used it could be argued to sound even better. 
YMMV, as always.
Also it is a VERY attractive looking deck, for who likes a more 'modern' yet solid looking deck. 
That is a pretty big comparison as I think that is like a 6 - 7k setup.  Could it be that the Marantz name just does not have the Cache of some of the other boutique brands?

Could it be that the Marantz name just does not have the Cache of some of the other boutique brands?
Could be one aspect for sure as Marantz is NOT the first name that springs into most audiophools minds when you mention TT.
I have always thought it was a nice looking piece which may also help people dismiss it as a "serious" piece of gear.
Maybe if they tripled the price........