Help with TT ideas for my first TT

Hi All,

I have been reading alot of reviews and searching around for my first TT.  ALot of recent recordings that i want are basically only coming out on vinyl or super crappy mp3.  I have an Aaron integrated amp, with some custom built SB Acoustic Monitors (Bromo).

I am looking at the marketplace in the 1 - 1.5k range and see I can find alot of different solutions and wanted to get peoples thoughts:

Marantz tt-15 - Seems like  bargain at 1500, but difficult to setup
Clearaudio Concept - good reviews, bumps against the magnetic arm (Cement floor at my place)
Music Hall MMF 7.3 - Seems like a great solution
VPI Cliff Wood
Pro-ject X1 or X2 - Have read some reports of motor noise
Rega Planar 2 or 3 - Seems to be they are what they are

With such a crowded field how do people choose?  I live in Central Mass, and dont have alot of options in terms of auditions so would love to get peoples thoughts. 
Just ignore them OP.
You have still had many great suggestions so far and I would say it is time to do some more research on those tables.
Yeah I am doing some research, which some of the discounts thinking of starting with a MoFi Deck as it has a 60 day guarantee and then go from there.  Seems the lowest risk option and see where I go from there.

The MoFi is a good choice in that price range. Was looking at the Ultradeck until I went absolutely crazy. In a good way of course. No regrets.
How did you skip Technics? Their new offerings would be an easy pick. Virtually no set-up, too.

Aside from them, roberjerman's Pioneer PLX 1000 recommendation is a good one. Do not be discouraged by the idea of "DJ" etc. That turntable works well even with Ortofon 2M Red. Going up to roberjerman's Denon cartridge may only bring it higher.
I've had a new model Rega Planar 2 and eventually upgraded the arm to the RB330 (used in the planar 3 and 6). My dad has a new model Planar 6 and I currently have a current gen Planar 8. The current model planar 3 seems to be the sweet spot on pricing vs features/quality. I would be looking for a deal on a Planar 3 or 6 if you can swing it. Both are great tables.

I dont have any experience with the MoFi tables but they seem well regarded amongst the people who own them. Seems to be a solid choice..

Not 100٪ sure, but I believe Marantz table is made by Clearaudio (or at least uses some parts sourced from them). I have read several accounts of owners saying it was a great table but they ultimately ditched it for something else due to what ever reason. Take that with a grain of salt as I have no personal experience with this table.