$5k or less speakers (used or new)?

I’m looking at some KEF R11 and R7’s and have listened to them (not at home)

Phase Technology PC 9.5 (in the lead)

What others would you recommend I take a look at?

im usually the type of speaker buyer that seems to prefer the non traditional over marketed audiophile speaker. 
Check out Scansonic.  The MB3.5 B has a side firing woofer and delivers bass response below 30hz.  

The ribbon tweeter provides wonderful detail and integrates with the other drivers brilliantly but is not going to forward like Paradigm.  

Full disclosure, I am a Scansonic dealer but this speaker is in your price range, works with your equipment, makes sense in your room and delivers the sound profile your describe.  

Take a look and PM me if you are interested.  
minor embellishment of avanti1960's  rec on harbeth

three main speakers are

mon 30 - more midrange focused, light on bass

compact 7 - similar size to mon 30, more full range warmer fuller deeper bass than mon 30

super hl5 - descendant of spendor bc1 - larger box than prior 2, super tweeter, even fuller and more extension both ends than compact 7 both ends, similar signature, better for larger rooms

then there is mon 40 - which is a huge box for even larger rooms

all are utterly natural dimensional listenable speakers
/* Full Disclosure: I am employed by Ostinato Speakers */
Hello - we are a new start-up company that make hand-made, configurable speakers from a well known designer.  May I shamelessly suggest you look at these?  Ostinato Monitors are 3-way design with ribbon tweeters, open back mid-range and switchable cross-overs for near or far wall placement.  Selection of wood finish, connectors and optional cross-over upgrades.  $3950/pair. 

Cheers - JB