A Couple Little Things I'm Wondering About

Two quick questions for anyone with any experience with either topic.

1. Why do some folks with usually higher end systems use those cable lifters to keep the cable elevated? What are they intended to do? If you use them, what do they do for you please? And if you know do they make sense from a purely technical standpoint? 

2. I bought a bunch of those gold plated caps to cover all the unused RCA jacks on the back of my AVR. I believe they are intended to keep noise down. If you use these, please comment on them. Do you think they do what they're supposed to do, and/or do they make sense from a purely technical standpoint?

mapman neglects to mention he is #1 on the Hateful 18. In fact he is the one who when I considered his total lack of contribution, awful record in terms of false information, and relentlessly insulting innuendo first made me realize there are people there simply is no upside to engaging. He knows this, knows it very well. The fact he doesn’t mention it is another stain on his character. Its dishonest and deceitful to hide his ulterior motives in wanting me banned. It must gnaw at him daily knowing one of the greatest most helpful contributors on the site considers him literally beneath contempt.
  Science?     We don't need no stinking science!          Gimme That Old Time Religion, Gimme That Old Time Religion......(ad nauseam)             
MC is "one of the greatest most helpful contributors on the site" (his own words), in exactly the same way as DJT is "the best thing that ever happened to Puerto Rico" (also his own words).