cost no object integrated amps

what are some cost no object  , no compromise super integrated amps that rivals separates. would love to hear some thoughts, ownership experience and which ones must be considered in the shopping list.may be in 30k to 60k price range
 some of them which come to my mind are

1. dan d'agostino momentum
2. audionet HUMBOLDT
3. soulution 530
4. dartzeel CTH-8550
5. ch precision I1
6. vitus SIA 30

feel free to add or suggest any other ones. or if someone can comment on each of these or rank in the order of preference with their reasoning.
@rshad0000  YG Hailey 2.2 and Dynaudio Confidence 50.The best combo was with the Hailey 2.2s at least for my taste.I'm seriously considering the Humboldt that's why i auditioned most top integrated available.This is the best route if you want separates performance without the hassle of many boxes and the extra cost of more cables and racks.
I'd rather put more money on speakers and source.Since i live in Europe the Humboldt is more reasonably priced for us.Cheers
Yes, it’s pretty expensive here.  I believe it’s $40k.   My issue is a lack of space so I may have to go and listen to one at some point.  Thx
You might want to keep a close watch on the upcoming Rotel Michi X3 and X5 Integrated amps !
Here’s a review on the Rotel Michi preamp and amps WOW !
This could be my next amp !
Absolare Signature Integrated got my vote for the cost no object amplifier as I had owned and compared with many $25K+ Integrated but the Absolare is so musical and a few step above all of them...such an emotionally engaging amplifier!