WANTED: Dead or Alive; the former Grate-full, the second stuffed with mirthful malice towards the last 60 years. Will need access to an astounding amount of Money, or credit capable of sending DJT into a whimpering state of jaudiced jealousy.
The Plan: A 'proper send-up' of the time frame mentioned.
Will combine 'Fear & Loathing in LV', 'The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy', 'Harold & Kumar (do whatever they did)', 'Candy' (remember Ringo Starr saying "This no good...", or "It's DADDY!"), and other mind-bending and just straight-up Bent parodies of life in the Unitdefiled Snakes.
The Goal:
-Viewers exiting wondering wtf just happened
-They'll know what they want, but they don't know 'what' is 'what'
-"Well, Trish, that just shows to go ya' why Everything is so hopelessly f..." and the delayed sugar 'rush' hits, just as the car is put into DRIVE.
"....and the Academy Award for...well, we really don't have a category for whatever that was, and no one wants to take responsibilty for what happened afterwards. So, we're just going to put this down here....*edge of stage, where it still sits, to this day...*
(Soon to be featured on Go Fund Me....)
The Plan: A 'proper send-up' of the time frame mentioned.
Will combine 'Fear & Loathing in LV', 'The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy', 'Harold & Kumar (do whatever they did)', 'Candy' (remember Ringo Starr saying "This no good...", or "It's DADDY!"), and other mind-bending and just straight-up Bent parodies of life in the Unitdefiled Snakes.
The Goal:
-Viewers exiting wondering wtf just happened
-They'll know what they want, but they don't know 'what' is 'what'
-"Well, Trish, that just shows to go ya' why Everything is so hopelessly f..." and the delayed sugar 'rush' hits, just as the car is put into DRIVE.
"....and the Academy Award for...well, we really don't have a category for whatever that was, and no one wants to take responsibilty for what happened afterwards. So, we're just going to put this down here....*edge of stage, where it still sits, to this day...*
(Soon to be featured on Go Fund Me....)