Aegir upgrade to Pass...maybe

I have had a Schiit Aegir for about a year now. I drive quite efficient Crites loudspeakers. I am thinking of getting an amp with a little more power. The following are my leanings.
Pass LabsXA25
Pass Labs XA30.8
Benchmark AHB2
I think the XA25 will be a good choice but wondered about the XA30.8. Somewhere I read that the XA25 actually sounds better than the 30.8. The 30.8 is monstrous at 94 lbs.

Also, I see high ratings for Benchmark. Does this sound like Class A, A/B or D? The reviews say really detailed and accurate but it is definitely different than the Schiit or Pass Amps. Plenty of power for my system for sure.

Thanks for your opinions and suggestions in advance.
Reno HiFi..yes. Especially since I went to a Pass dealer and they didn’t stock them. I am under the impression the XA25 and Aegir would sound similar. The XA25 has 25W Class A with about 80W available. The Aegir has 10W Class A and weighs about half as much. I would not be afraid of used at all.  I am old school; I am used to amps you can hardly pick up.  
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Reno Hi-Fi has demo XA25 for $3895-but not always.  Full factory warranty of those!  

I owned 2 Aegirs as the first one was faulty and was replaced. The second one had the same issue (although not as pronounced as the first) of shutting itself off when pushed a little (and not so 99db speakers get loud fast with little wattage). When I replaced the Aegir with my Dennis Had tube amp all was well again, and the Had amp sounds so much better I sent the Aegir back. I've heard the XA25 in a friend's system but not in mine, and it sounded amazingly good...I might try one some day but my little single ended tube amp is so good there's simply no hurry.
I have heard very good things about Dennis Had amps, especially for the money!  The only tube amps I am familiar with are MacIntosh,  The few stores I have been to were pushing tube equipment.  I have been tempted to try a tube amp but haven't....

I retired last year and planned on visiting audio stores but you know the rest of the story. I consider myself lucky to have advise and the internet.  I have been a full time student the last year!!