Acrolink 8N-PC8100 Performante Power Cable

I just bought an Acrolink 8N-PC8100 Performante PC, it work perfect with my Esoteric CD Player. Compare to my previous Acrolink 7N PC-4030 Mark II, this new cable has lower noise, more dynamics, deeper and solid bass, more clarity but more organic sound.

I bought this cable because my friend is using this.   But unfortunately, because this cable just came out last year, I can't find any information about this in English. I only can find this in YouTube:

If you have any information about this in English, please post to here. Thanks. 

I don't have the 9900 yet - shipping from Japan to the USA is still restricted because of COVID.

But I will compare the TC to the 9700 and 8100 and post my opinion after I do.  I only brought up having the TC because the High Fidelity review of the 9900 (and 8100) compares them to his reference power cable- the Siltech TC.

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Thanks. I guess the 9700 although inferior to the 8100 in some ways if evaluated in separate entity, is still a very good cable if used throughout the system. Guess I’ll take your advice and keep a lookout for another 9700 instead of the 8100 (or 9900). These cables even used are not exactly cheap but when inserted into the system it leaves a big grin on my face. 
The 9700 just sounds different than the 8100. I was initially wowed by what the 8100 did and I thought it was better, overall, but with time I revised my opinion and realized it depended on different components and accessories in the system, as well as one's preference for midrange warmth. I think the 9700 is one of the most musical and natural sounding power cables I've ever heard. The 9700 has the same effect on me, too!
i'm also on the hunt for more 8100 but they're pretty hard to come by. My other PC is the furutech powerflux and i've always been interested in their nanoflux NCF as well to see how they compare to the acrolinks

for more context: 
my IC is acrolink DA2900 and my SC is furutech speakerflux