laid back stereo power amp

Looking for a laid back "forgiving" stereo power amp to drive Maggie 1.7i s through a Van Alstine Transcendence 10 tube preamp. thanks.
I would not recommend Odyssey amps.  They are not laid back at all.  Also, do not by Emotiva if you want something laid back.  They are all very fast and very bright (harsh in some instances).

For laid back,  I second the recommendation for ARC (Audio Research).  Also, McIntosh amp are very mild and laid back in the midrange and upper registers.
+1 for Sanders Magtech. Sounds excellent with my 1.7i’s. They have a 30 day free in-home trial.

Oh yeah, the Magtech would be great with the 1.7i. But a $6,000 amp on $2200/pr loudspeakers?!

That’s the thing about Maggies: they are bargain priced, but that price is mitigated by the fact that they greatly benefit (some might say require) a fairly serious chunk-o-change investment in amplification for them. Still, if one has $6000 to spend, and likes the 1.7i enough to justify the expenditure, wny not? The low price of the 1.7i can be deceiving: it's sound quality far exceeds what one expects at it's price.

The same is true of the Eminent Technology LFT-8b, which retails for $2499. I guess I shouldn't talk: I use an $8,000 power amp with them, though I bought it used for far less.

i do not agree with auxinput’s characterization of odyssey amps being bright

compared to an audio research tube amp of course it is bright, but compared to other solid state amps the odyssey/symphonic line sound is smooth and silky up top, grainless mids and strong grip deep bass - of course with any good solid state amp you can excite the treble with a poor sounding source or poor cabling

audio research tube amps are great with magnepans but you need quite an expensive one to properly drive maggies to satisfying volume levels and get half way decent bass response
I've owned four different Odyssey amp models over the last 20+ years and wonder if he has actually ever heard one.  Audio Research are anything but warm and fuzzy tube amps and the Odyssey amps would even be smoother than many of them.