Come Back Geoff Kait!

Has anyone heard from Geoff? 

I miss his humour and acerbic wit. 
Post removed 
I want to thank The Moderators for the removal of my post.

Obviously the shock collar that's on my neck has been 'hacked'.

Darn if I know who (or what) was reprehensible for this outrage of decent society.

If I'm able to determine whodunnit, it will be dealt with.

(Oh, lines 2 through 4....If I'm threatening myself, does that count?  Just checking....)

(....while I may/may not have your inattention...does 'implied profanity' fall into the same 'nonoNo'?  Would a 'synth' word bring the same hammer down?  I've been silly me enough to think that the forum is populated by a mostly over-21 crowd....who, in the daily drives have likely subjected their dashboard to epithets that would melt the vinyl....

...oh, my grievious error....the .001% that can't cope with anything over

Does implication equal the intent?

Can oblique missives be considered as threats, or character assasinations, even in jest or parody?

Is 'dark humour' evil, even if obvious?

Ranting @ the wind....
" I saw where he's been posting over in AA, so either he was kicked off here...

Oooopsie, I should have not started with that wine talk.