Velodyne DD vs DD18plus?

I have DD18 but considering the new version. Anyone who had compared DD18 vs DD18plus?
Hi Ulf,

good to come across you again...i cannot say i have compared. i also have the dd18,so pls let me know. BTW, have you considered JL...F212 or Gotham 213? I have heard incredibly good things about these. Yes, more expensive though s/hand there might be a good deal which would make the pricing compared to new DD18 plus closer.

pls post an updates!!!
I have a DD15 and upgraded to DD15+. More of everything, plus very effortless power. New software and config-ability make this a nice upgrade. ALso not having to go thru the TV to rework slope and volume is another positive.
When Flanner says upgrade, he means that he no longer uses the DD15 and bought a DD15+. There is no upgrade from the old DD series to the new DD+ series. They are entirely different subwoofers.

I have a small room and previously had used the DD10. I now use the DD10+. It is a substantial upgrade across the board.

Disclosure: I am a Velodyne dealer.