Dedicated Vinyl system next upgrade?

Hi. I love my system. I really do. I love vinyl and listen to vinyl nearly exclusively via “appointment listening”. I do Sometimes stream and listen while I walk or while working but I love just sitting and listening to my stereo. I believe I’ve arrived regarding finally achieving a great set up and have experienced that vinyl “magic” that audiophiles obsess over. I understand that limitations exist and a great stereo will reveal the quality of a recording - good or bad. The law a diminishing returns regarding  upgrading is something I’m mindful of. I don’t have endless funds to spend on upgrades. My question is - what should I consider upgrading next? Should I ditch the integrated amp considering I’m using an external phono stage? Or should I go with a better integrated amp? Or should I look at a better cartridge? Do I upgrade my turntable or just the tonearm? Do I upgrade the power cable on my amp? 
Here’s what I’m currently working with - and thanks for your thoughts/suggestions! 

Clear Audio Concept Turntable
W/ Hana SL cartridge 

Herron Audio VTPH-2a Phono Stage

Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II integrated power amplifier 

Kimber Kable speaker wire and interconnects (I forget which model - an entry lever set - nothing crazy) 

Bowers and Wilkins 805 D3 stand mount loud speakers

Set of two stereo REL S/510 subs

Hello, all this talk about a new tonearm is very interesting.  I have a different suggestion.  I owned a VPI classic turntable for years.  One day the unipivot pushed me TOO far.  After futzing with the turntable for years I put it up for sale.  Three is one really good thing about a VPI, it's retail value.  Instead I purchased a Pro-Ject RPM 10 Carbon Turntable.  It's filled with a metal/resin particulate and sits on its own isolation table that is filled the same.  I was SHOCKED at the difference of isolation.  This metal/resin particulate allows vibration to drain out.  I can blast my record now with pure clean sound.
O.K.  here comes the recommendation....
An isolation table for your fine turntable to sit on.  At that point you will be amazed at how much better your system sounds.
@drewmb1 thats a good suggestion. I currently have a makeshift or rather homemade isolation table. It’s a combination of butcher block sandwiched with foam and some other stuff. Do you think the “proper” $500-$1000 iso tables are going to do a much better job? I don’t know because I’ve never tried, but I think what I have put together is pretty good. Could probably be better. Maybe that’s the disease talking tho! Ha!
Holly law a diminishing returns is right.

Paul you have an outstanding base to start with & moving up the later is going to cost you large, so you’ve hit the nail on the head there. Compound that with the audio disease, meaning what ever you do will eventually lead down the road of discontentment.

Best path IMHO from both a sonic and economic prospective would be to up grade the caps in your Rogue with either Mondorf’s Supreme Silver/Oil or V-caps (do your research), along with some new high quality tubes, .

Another possibly is a Vishay volume control. But that’s getting expensive

The other suggestion would be to purchase only high quality recordings.

As for cartridges .... now you’re racking up the bills. There’s a host of used MM that might tickle your fancy, but as for their condition it’s a bit of a shot in the dark. You already have a far better than average cartridge in the Hana SL, so your next move might be a Soundsmith Aida, or Voice, but now you’re doubling and tripling the price of your Hana. Is it worth it ????? Now we’re back to the law a diminishing returns.

Then of course there’s the listening room. If I may suggest, address that if you haven’t already.

@paulgardner If you budget can afford it, mostly inconspicuous Synergistic Research HFT products can help your acoustics with minimal visibility.  I use them instead of large acoustic treatment panels on my front and rear walls.  I use just four around my 75" TV in a room with a lot of reverb (40' wide, 20' deep, 18' vaulted high).  The TV sound (with separate audio, speakers at the corners of the TV but open to hallways/rooms adjacent to the speakers-hence no baffling) concentrates so that within about 10' wide area from the speakers has greatly increased clarity-eliminates room echo.
@thehorn thanks for the post! 
Would upgrading the capacitors require me sending the amp in or is that something I could do on my own?

Regarding the tubes - I have already rolled the small tubes to a Brimer NOS and some Gold Lions. These replaced the stock JJs. I have not touched the larger power tubes. I’ve been told those don’t affect the sound as much as the small tubes, more specifically the preamp tube. Thoughts?
Thanks so much!