Ideal Connection path to a dac?

Right now I use a desktop for Roon. Desktop is connected to internet via Ethernet cable from a router. An Ethernet cable connects router to a blueprint node 2i and then to a chord dac via optical cable. And than I use rca cables from dac to a preamp.

is there an advantage of getting the Roon nucleus device and not using a desktop, and then dumping the bluesound node? I like idea of direct usb connection between Roon nucleus and chord dac.
The Chord Qutest, Hugo TT2 on up all have galvanic isolation of USB in as well as some other RFI/EMI trix on board... There are technical presentations, given by the designer Rob Watts, of these DACs floating around on the internet somewhere...

Every major computer manufacture has these NUC type boxes, look around... Google is your frenemy...
If you to use a small PC with Roon I've found it's best to use a Roon compatible NUC which will run Roons OS, ROCK which is optimized for Roon and music playback. 
I Like the Pro-Ject S2 Ultra Streamer, and interesting to see the HDMI video out.  Curious how this is used?

i am hoping the usb out will allow a meaningful improve to SQ with all the addl bandwidth available. 
Still, trying to avoid using a separately room located desktop, a pain, to handle Roon. So I may go for a Roon nucleus. Don’t like having to leave desktop on all the time, etc.
On USB an isolator is clearly beneficial. I use an Intona USB Isolator. My DAC initially wouldn‘t be recognisable to the server when inserting the Isolator. Intona suggested to use an usb hub and I never looked back.