Focal kanta 2 vs Sonus faber olympica 2..which to buy?

The floorstanders being offered are 1500 in price difference (kanta is more)😀
I was able to audition the kanta,but not the olympicas..

I will drive them using a primaluna tube integrated 
I do like the Kantas,they are not harsh(something I have heard people say about beryllium tweeter)
70% will be for music..mostly Bollywood mp3s,Spotify and that order.

PS:if I had not heard the kantas I would’ve gone with olympica😔Now I am torn it worth the 1500 more I currently own the Sonus faber Cremona auditor Bookshelves
Would kindly request members here to weigh in ..I am not looking at other alternatives


Ag insider logo xs@2xvidya46
Well..I went on a tour of dealers today..and was able to listen to olympica nova 5 ,sonetto 8,dynaudio contour 30 and a lillium (just cause it was there)

The dealer has 11000 sqft showroom..whoa..beautiful place..each display was with McIntosh gear ..he had all of the sonus faber lines..He was a pleasure to talk to and spent 2 hours just listening to music with him..and chatting..great guy..👍🏽👍🏽..
That is a great afternoon well spent ..

Will be going back next weekend to listen to the sonetto and contour 30,with my’s turning out to be a good summer after all..

I have some hours on my Kanta 3s now. I’m running an upgraded Carver TFM 45, PS Audio BHK pre with Telefunken vintage tubes. My source right now is an Alienware laptop. I now can hear the guitar pick hit the strings.