I had a pair of Maggies (the small MMGIs) and now have the Tekton DIs (but with ribbon tweeters instead of the standard arrays). To be sure, they are very different animals. I used the Maggies, with a suitably fast subwoofer, in a small room. In that context, they were great - so detailed, transparent, and spacious. I have my Tekton DIs in a much larger room, in which the Maggies would have been lost. In that room I needed something that moves a lot of air. The DIs are wonderful for that purpose, but they are also great to listen to a lower volumes. And they are very easy to place, which cannot be said for the Maggies. As others have observed, you have a ton of options, when it comes to speakers that give a different experience from Magnepans. But you won't find many at or near the Tekton's price point.