Master Set

The following two links will help anyone trying to do Master Set speaker placement. Post #2 in the first link is the actual Sumiko method described in great detail. Follow everything exactly as described! The audio cues can be difficult to pick up at first. Be persistent.
The you tube video is good for newcomers to watch. The guy in the video describes a lot of things you will encounter while going thru the procedure.
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@sharri...I know Rod Tomson quite well. He has owned Soundings in Denver since 1986.

I also have been to a lot of seminars on this procedure and actually have seen it done by Stirling Trayle.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to be flippant with my above comments! It just seems every few years someone will post about Master Set as being some kind of "new" procedure...and it isn’t.
Hi mofi, I've known Rod since 1994. He got all my spare money for nearly 10 years. Now I live in Australia and haven't been to Denver for a long time. So, since you know more about the procedure than me, is my depiction of the audioaficinado post accurate?
is my depiction of the audioaficinado post accurate?

Yes, it's right on.  Again, sorry I didn't mean any disrespect towards your post.  I interpreted it as a "new" method, which it isn't.

Rod sold me my first pair of true high-end speakers, (DCM Time Windows) when he worked for Listen Up in the late 70's and early 80's.  I traded them back in for a pair of Magnepan MGIIA's and have never owned anything but panels since then. 

Rod is one of my favorite people in this business, which I was in for over 25 years, so I got to know him pretty well.

Sorry again.
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