Did any Amp help you understand lyrics better?

I am purposely eliminating the obvious aspects of improved resolution of lyrics such as speakers and any type of source as it relates to players, streamers, wiring, cabling, connects, room treatments, TT’s and the assorted do-dads considered "tweaks" people try to sell us.
In your opinion, did any amp or combination thereof, help proliferate the hearing of lyrics that you could not quite catch what they were saying before you switched out your old amplification?

I realize this might be a hard question to answer as "switching out" usually happens with other stuff as well as I have outlined in my first sentence.

I am curious if anyone else has benefitted or noticed something in this regard with just "an amp" change.
I think there are three factors that help a listener understand lyrics better, or more specifically, how a singer intends to convey those lyrics.

As others have mentioned, transparency or clarity of the sound is one of those factors.

Another factor that I hear is the ability of an amplifier to convey tonal colors. For lack of a better description, some amplifiers sound more "gray" or flat. For me, the lack of tonal differences or gradations takes away an aspect of what parts of song lyrics an artist might trying to emphasize or the meaning they are trying to overlay on the lyrics.

The last factor to which I seem particularly sensitive is the ability of an amplifier to reproduce timing accurately. Specifically, some amplifiers sound slow and lead-footed to me. When the timing of an amplifier's sound output sounds right, music sounds more lyrical and flowing to me.  The same lyrics that sound engaging on one amplifier can sound like they are lacking in life on another amplifier. One example in which this might be more audible are duets in which one singer's lines react to and dovetail with what their partner is singing. Amplifiers that sound slow can fail to convey the nuance of how the two singers intended their individual lyrics to fit together. My impression is that I've heard more than a few higher powered amplifiers that sound like they lack timing and sound a bit flat-footed. My layperson's guess is that complicated circuitry or electrical components that don't react fast enough might affect timing to an extent that is sonically audible. I feel that the ability of an amplifier to convey the musicality of lyrics has a lot to do with its ability to reproduce timing.
I'm now using the Purifi Audio (from Denmark) EVAL1 (two power amp modules and a front end) with an outboard power supply. [Two NAD units now use their power amp modules. So does an outfit called LKV (Veros PWR+ power amp).] Outstanding clarity and "naturalness" of sound. You can have one in your home for about $1000 if you are willing to build a power supply for it. If you can't understand the lyrics with this amp, it's because the recording engineer didn't want you to. Keep smiling.
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Yes, when I switched from Bryston ( 3B ) to two bridged Classé Audio DR-3 VHC ... ( and also using a DR-6 preamp instead of a Bryston 0,5 preamp )

To get the full potential you must have acoustic room treatment and isolation and dedicated power outlets and breakers ...

Not only you understand lyrics better but you also perceive much better the singer’s artistic intention through his performance ...

I believe that pure class A topology has something to do with this.

The DR-3 VHC were feeding Tympani IVa ...