spend on the streamer or on the DAC ?

I a considering splashing north of 5000 (euro) for a new source for my rig (MOOON 340i, OPERA QUINTA speaker, McIntosh SACD, Node2). Better to spend more for the DAC or the streamer ? I was thinking about a Schitt yggrasil.Or would it make sense to spalsh on a more expensive DAC and use the Node2 as a streamer, or, for that matter, stream from my Macbook Pro. Regards.
I agree with the thoughts expressed as to the importance of both.  For the past year I have used the Ethernet input of my Ayre QX5/20 fed by an i5 computer as roon core.  Very nice presentation.  Recently added a Wolf Alpha3SX server and moved to the USB input on the Ayre.  Everything elevated to a level I was not expecting. I also tried different power cords for the Wolf and different USB cables...  In this experience I relearned or at least reinforced the idea that every part of the digital chain needs to be balanced against the rest and the sound is affected most by the weakest link even if that is a simple cable. Your experience may be different but in my opinion invest in both in a balanced way...
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The Mojo dac is far from crude and you should do your homework before saying such a thing. Ben is a digital expert and builds one of the very best sounding dacs available at any price. Simplicity in design executed brilliantly is a magical audio recipe that is very difficult to pull off well.   The power supplies in the Mojo dacs are the best I have ever seen. His attention to proper grounding is far from crude and cutting edge. 
I find that balance in general works best...though a Node 2i can be improved with a better DAC, only so much before the Node is a limiting factor...all my listening says both Streamer and DAC. are very important. Clearly some do not hear a difference between different sources and DACs, so do a lot a listening before spending the money you're talking about...