New Speaker Manufacturer Intro

Greetings ’Goners -

Wanted to take a moment to introduce ourselves - and of course shamelessly plug our offerings - to the Audiogon community.

Ostinato Speakers is a small startup based in Denver, CO. We are dedicated to bringing high-end sound at more affordable pricing. We have partnered with a known designer who is already loved in the DIY world.

We believe in a simple recipe:

  • Non-resonant, heavy cabinets finished with real wood
  • Investments focused on quality components
  • Semi-custom: choice of finish, cabling connectors and cross-over upgrade options
  • Hand assembled
  • Direct to customer model (15-day money back guarantee)
  • Pricing as low as we can make it

Currently offering a 2-way Desktop, 3-way Monitor and home theater Center. The Monitor is our current crown jewel: ribbon tweeter, open back mid-range, and switchable crossover depending upon room placement.



Your speakers look great. Thank you for the introduction.

Can you publish any specs regarding sensitivity, frequency response, recommend power (minimums, tube/solid state), etc.

Good luck with your new venture.
  • 1. Are your designers fully qualified?
  • 2.Which university did they get their education from before becoming a speaker engineer, Harvard or Princeton or MIT?
  • 3. Can you prove to me that your speakers are better than Magico Or Kef blades? 
  • 4. Can the crossover slope and point be custom tuned to my ears?
  • 5. Have the speakers been measured by an independent laboratory and where are the results?

Thank you kindly.  Specs are on the product pages at Ostinato Speakers (tech tab).  We have amplifier recommendations in the Guides section of the site.