
I need some help making a decision. My main source of music enjoyment is primarily Cd’s. I play both red book and sacd, but by far many more redbook. I have the EMM Labs Dac2x v2 and using my former player as a transport. Thinking about purchasing a EMM labs TSDX transport to spin my disc. Has anyone been able to compare the sound quality of using the EMM dac both through the EMM transport and through a non-EMM transport. Please tell me what the benefits of all EMM vs EMM dac with decent non-EMM transport. Thanks.
Hey @tonnesen : why are you tracking and flagging all my posts across all threads?

By the way, sorry you did not get my joke on coronavirus and "flu". I was being sarcastic in case you did not realize that.
@tonnesen - you can’t be serious, REALLY!?!  All you do is whine and complain.  Please try to participate vs. finding reasons to take offense.
It’s OK @sfseay. He probably did not get my sarcasm on my post. I choose to understand it this way