Audio tax write-off


I have a company that produces documentaries and podcasts on personal and commercial histories. I have needed to acquire computer equipment to do my work, and I've borrowed some equipment from my 2-channel system, such as headphones, as well. My question is, do any of you write off home audio audio acquisitions for your business? Do you know the tax rules on this? Does it have to be branded  as "pro" gear to qualify? Thinking I need a better DAC and studio monitors. If I bought a component called "Schiit," would the tax auditor go "nnnnnnnnnnoooooo?" 

Thanks for your input.


ask your tax guy or get one Dog.   Don't do it here you will get 132 answers none true   or   just off   
The IRS engorcement budget is tiny and has been shrinking.  Roll the dice, let us know how it comes out.
Hey Paul I’m filmmaker myself and have literally tons of production, post production (full Advanced Resolve system) and audio playback and recording gear.

feel free to check me out

Have one of your minor children set up a 501(c)(3) charity and purchase the equipment, then lease that equipment.  Elect to be taxed like a C Corp, or better yet set up an S Corp with a management contract for your LLC and pay management fees to the S Corp to minimize LLC profits and dividend most earnings out of the S Corporation rather than pay FICA.  Voila!  You can probably save $10k per year and it will only cost you $10k-$30k to set that all up!