How do I connect my Bricasti M21 DAC to my MAC Computer using the Network (Ethernet)

How do I connect my Bricasti M21 DAC to my MAC Computer using its Ethernet connection?   I want to run QoBuz on my MAC Computer and send the QoBuz output to the Bricasti M21 DAC using the Ethernet connection.  I will set the M21 using the IN5 LAN and Network setting.   This means the M21 connects to my network.  

Can I use the Qobuz interface and/or do I need some other software running on my MAC for this to happen?  This is a temporary setup so a large expense for any needed software is not required.  

If I need a software package on my MAC, what software package do you recommend?      

Your advice is requested.  Thanks.  
@indranilsen, The Audirvana connection to my Bricasti DAC problem is SOLVED and it was something VERY simple. I searched and searched and FINLLY found something useful on the Internet that pointed me in the right direction.

The Firewall setting on my MAC Computer was set to block ALL incoming connections. This means Audirvanna was UNABLE to connect to and recognize my Bricasti M21 DAC. I unchecked the box, started Audirvana and it FOUND my Bricasti M21 DAC in 2 seconds.

I connected to QoBuz and my favorite album was playing through my stereo system perfectly. Great news. It works!!

I am not done. Next, I will install the Audirvana Remote on my iPad. Stay tuned.

Thanks again for your help, suggestions, etc. I appreciate the many comments, suggestions, etc from everyone above. Cheers.
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@hgeifman- Congratulations!!! I am glad that you are finally out of this connectivity issue and you are able to enjoy the music. A good learning experience for all of us who use ethernet interface for DAC connectivity.
As I reported above, the Firewall setting on my MAC Computer was set to BLOCK ALL incoming connections.   This means Audirvanna was UNABLE to connect to and recognize my Bricasti M21 DAC.   I unchecked the box, started Audirvana and it FOUND my Bricasti M21 DAC in 2 seconds.  

HOWEVER, I now have serious security issues with my MAC Computer.  If I OPEN my MAC Computer Firewall to ENABLE Audirvana to connect to my DAC, it means my MAC security is compromised.   I am 'paranoid' about computer security AND it is better to be safe than sorry.   The protection of my computer data is much MORE important than an audio connection.

This means I will NOT be using Audirvana  and it has already been deleted from my MAC computer.   My MAC Firewall is set for top security.

I am now testing MConnect and it requires no Firewall changes.  It connects perfectly to my Bricasti M21 DAC.  
I do not understand why Audirvana requires me to compromise my MAC computer Firewall security and MConnect does not.   I also plan on looking an HQ Player and ROON sometime in the future (maybe).  

A special thanks to Bricasti and Steve from Sounds of Silence for all their help.   Thanks again to everyone who posted above.   I appreciate the many comments, suggestions, etc. from everyone.  Cheers. 

Well done!

This stuff can drive you crazy.

I don’t own a Bricasti but am thinking about the M3. AFAIK you can use the Linn Kazoo and Lumin apps on your iPad with your Bricasti. Both offer an elegant UI with Tidal, Qobuz, Spotify and TuneIn radio, etc. I currently use Linn as my digital front end. I also use Roon and tested the Lumin app. All work...