Jazz Recommendations

I am just starting to get into Jazz. I recently bought Thelonious Monk Quartet "Live at Monterey" and was blown away. Could you recommend other mainstream Jazz recordings that I should have in a basic collection to help me get started.
Arkprof, I just found Donny McCaslin last w/e while listening to Pandora.com. I liked the track they played of his, so I researched him and added "In Pursuit" to my Amazon Wish List (which is now up to 5 pages). I'm glad to hear it comes so highly recommended. So much good music out there, I can't keep up.
Hi, Mijknarf ... I've got several pages of Amazon "Buy It Later" pages, too ... and sometimes I'll move them to "Buy Now" status, but generally I wind up deleting listings as I add more. I'm trying to research sufficiently to wind up with CDs that tend to be described as having great "sonics" ... which I'm hoping will translate as being less compressed. I remain optimistic.

I've got lots of CDs that disappoint, I'm afraid, but the McCaslin CD "In Pursuit" doesn't disappoint at all. Manu Katche's recent CD "Playground" is more than worthy, too, and it's a notch above his "Neighborhood" CD that has received quite a bit of praise, though there are strong similarities. I recently picked up "Out to Lunch" by Eric Dolphy and Wayne Shorter's "Speak No Evil." I'm going to buy more of Shorter's work and I'm fairly certain that I'll do the same with Shorter. Those guys were really strong musicians.
Anything by Kurt Elling. Simply fabulous singer with good quality recordings on CD. Favourites of the one's that I've bought so far are: 'Flirting with Twilight' (especially tracks, Orange Blossoms in Summertime); 'Man in the Air' (especially tracks, In the Winelight, The Uncertainty of the Poet and The More I Have You); 'Close Your Eyes' (especially tracks, Salame and Those Clouds Are Heavy. He also appears on Bob Belden's compilation, 'Shades of Blue' with the track Tanganyika Dance. I am trying to get everything that he's done and highly recommend him.

True, I'm looking forward to trawling through some of the great recommendations that keep coming up on this phenomenal thread. Who needs magazine reviews!?