Streamers, servers, players - woefully overpriced??

Look at the insides of these devices. They have very standard parts, power supply may be abit refined but still basic stuff.  All this for questionable SQ benefits.  We are still in the digital domain.  
Dacs and amps are considerably more complex and may justify some higher pricing.

why is streamer area so hyped and overpriced?  All to buy a pretty box?  And I do want improved SQ but it is tough to see it.
Ddude003 you won’t find too many building their own streamers / servers here on Audiogon however there’s technical based audio sites where you’ll find a wealth of information shared on how to by some technically savvy dudes .
"Melvinjames, you’ve got some pretty impressive connections in Tech Support.  I invoked Moses to help me with my streamer but he was busy with the Jewish Holidays...."

Couldn't stop giggling!
I agree, somewhat.

I enjoy using a Roon Nucleus Plus server.  I could have gotta a maxed out Intel NUC and installed the Roon software and probably saved some coin.  But I didn't want to mess with that.  As well, the Roon version of that seems really upgraded, and the USB ports are "dead quiet".  So, I probably did spend more than I could have, building a server myself, but ended up with more time to enjoy the music.
in_shore, I was being facetious... Anyone, can build a server or streamer on their kitchen table in a few hours... Anything from $99.00 on up... Its just a bunch of parts tossed into a box isn’t it... ;^)