Can anyone identify the model of this Snell Acoustics bookshelf speaker?

Any Snell experts out there? For the life of me, I cannot determine the model of this speaker. I’ve looked through almost all possible images of Snells on the interwebs. See photos at the following link:;8D7F2E77-A7BB-4C66-837B-C27810863BB0

The speaker looks like it might be in the K series. It looks very similar to those shown at

GREAT detective work sir!  I was pretty sure they weren't Snells.

Peter is turning over in his grave.  Geez, KLH, they could have at least used something better...
@mofimadness , Thanks for your help. Yeah, these aren't the greatest but a pretty good bang for the buck at least when that review came out and gauging by what the review says.

It's ok, because I just upgraded to these bad boys, anyhow: And that site is legit, more legit that a coworker.
I’m not really a box speaker fan, but the Vienna Acoustics are excellent. TMR is also a fine dealer and will take care of you.

Those should be a major step up. Wonderful choice!
@mofimadness , I just hope my Marantz PM7000 will drive them with not too much trouble. I might have to upgrade the amp as well. It's nominal impedance rating is 8ohms and the Vienna's are 4ohms. I've read of others driving 4ohm speakers with the PM7000. The PM7000 has protection circuitry, so I will soon know with not too much risk. If it's a fail, I'm thinking of getting the latest Peachtree Nova 300.