Spectral audio today

Hi guys, been a Spectral fan in the early 90s but couldn't afford the gear at the time.I'm wondering how good are the latest Spectral pre-power compared to much more recent top SS brands like Gryphon, CH Precision, Dartzeel, Soulution, Audionet, Boulder, D'agostino, Burmester and so on.Is Spectral still competitive vs modern high end brands ?It is very difficult to audition Spectral gear as they have very little distribution now days.Thanks.
It sure is but my top 2 contenders are Audionet Heisenberg and Gryphon Mephisto.I would put CH M1.1 in third place in my shortlist.
Forget CH you should get DARTZELL NHB 468 MONOS great amps for the high rollers.Get them ASAP!!
Sure I understand. The top of the line Gryphon Mephisto MSRP $60k is a fine amp and not typical of the Gryphon line. Not doubt this is quite an amplifier I’ve heard it. I’m not familiar with the CH precision but hear it’s in the same camp as spectral in many ways. Like I said I preferred the Spectral over the Gryphon Pandora preamp In my system. I’m sure there are others that prefer the Gryphon. Depends on what the setup is, what cables, speakers etc. if you can get the Mephisto I’m sure you’ll be happy with it. At this level is all good just a matter of preference. I enjoyed the Mephisto and have nothing bad to say about. When I had the Pandora in here comparing to the Spectral I was disappointed in the Gryphon. I was prepared to shell out the extra for the Pandora. I tried very Hard to like the Gryphon After all it was twice the price. It had a bigger soundstage but the instruments within it didn’t seem as real and tonally correct. The Spectral made me want to sit and listen. Now I’m sure the Gryphon could be taken to great heights if you’re willIng to put it all together, they also have their own cables too. I have a friend that has put it all together with the Gryphon Mephisto and it sounds great. 60k for the amp and that much again on cables not counting the Preamp. It sounds great. Even after hearing that I’m satisfied with the Spectral. For me it just works. It sounds right. Yes I’m thinkIng of Getting the 300 SV. The question becomes which will give the most musical satisfaction,   for me  it’s the Spectral,  Price may also play a part lol!  Spectral is a fantastic value.  It was a no brainer. 
@ebm  Thanks for your suggestion but unfortunately 1 don't have 160k+ budget for amps.The ones i can afford are Mephisto stereo, Audionet Heisenberg, CH M1.1 stereo and Spectral DMA 300SV + DMC 30SV.Speakers are Borresen 03s therefore my guess as best amp match is either Audionet Heisenberg, CH M1.1 or Spectral DMA 300SV.I really don't know about pairing a Mephisto with Borresen speakers.