Mono Cartridge

Still looking for a mono cartridge for my Technics 1200G.  My first choice would have been Miyajima but have been told, by some, that it would not be compatible with my arm.  I want to play older recordings so need a 1.0 mil stylus.  Does anyone have experience with either the Phasemation PP-MONO or the ZYX R 1000 Airy 3M?  They look interesting but couldn't find any reviews online.
@mikelavigne Big fan of Miyajima but I am not sure it would be a good match with the arm on my Technics 1200G, even with the KAB fluid damper. (I asked about this awhile back and no one was using a Miyajima on my table.)  I am leaning towards the Phasemation right now.  Would love to hear the Infinity sometime!

you could be right about the arm match, but Miyajima mono use feedback is minimal, and this cartridge is worth some investigation. everyone i know who has heard the Infinity has fallen hard for it. and it won't break the bank......which is why i bought two. :-)

i would strongly suggest reaching out to Robin Wyatt, the USA Miyajima importer, for his thoughts on your arm match. he is a very knowledgeable and helpful guy. might even let you try one.

@mikelavigne Robin did think it would be OK on the Technics but I really wanted to hear that someone else was using one successfully before I sprang for one myself.  I know Robin very generously offers them for trial but I wasn't comfortable doing that.  Would make me too nervous.  I do have a Miyajima Spirit for 78s and that works OK but am not sure it is optimal.  One day I want to get a Garrard 301 with a heavy arm so I can use a broader range of carts.  Technics uses a Phasemation when they demo the 1000R table so it must be pretty good...
ok then, you’ve already gone there.

best wishes, @andysf with the Phasematron.
For those of you with knowledge of Miyajima, why are they requiring such high VTF?  I would buy one otherwise.