Dedicated Vinyl system next upgrade?

Hi. I love my system. I really do. I love vinyl and listen to vinyl nearly exclusively via “appointment listening”. I do Sometimes stream and listen while I walk or while working but I love just sitting and listening to my stereo. I believe I’ve arrived regarding finally achieving a great set up and have experienced that vinyl “magic” that audiophiles obsess over. I understand that limitations exist and a great stereo will reveal the quality of a recording - good or bad. The law a diminishing returns regarding  upgrading is something I’m mindful of. I don’t have endless funds to spend on upgrades. My question is - what should I consider upgrading next? Should I ditch the integrated amp considering I’m using an external phono stage? Or should I go with a better integrated amp? Or should I look at a better cartridge? Do I upgrade my turntable or just the tonearm? Do I upgrade the power cable on my amp? 
Here’s what I’m currently working with - and thanks for your thoughts/suggestions! 

Clear Audio Concept Turntable
W/ Hana SL cartridge 

Herron Audio VTPH-2a Phono Stage

Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II integrated power amplifier 

Kimber Kable speaker wire and interconnects (I forget which model - an entry lever set - nothing crazy) 

Bowers and Wilkins 805 D3 stand mount loud speakers

Set of two stereo REL S/510 subs

@paulgardner ...

Nordost was my first exposure to Power cables that made an easily discernible improvement
- I was in a demo room at a show with about 15 other audio guys
- so it was less than "ideal" listening conditions.-
- The Nordost guy played a track
- replaced ONE power cable on the source component
- replayed the track
- the difference was easily heard by everyone.

I also agree with @tablejockey..
Tread lightly in the cable zone and keep your ears wide open
I've trusted my ears for several years and have not been disappointed :-)

There are many options/brands looking to get your cash and trying to discern which ones actually provide significant benefits can be time consuming and expensive.

InAkustic - uses an exceptional geometry and metallurgy to achieve stunning results
Nordost - uses a different geometry and materials that also work exceptionally well

Unfortunately - all that development comes at a price point which may not suite every budget.

So keep an eye out for resale cables.
- Even older versions of cables from these two brands will offer great performance.

Regards - Steve

@paulgardener ....looking forwards to reading what differences you hear with the new power cable when it arrives suggestion is to try different things but only replace 1 thing at a time, that way you will know what impact each part has 
@swann36 ok so I’ve spent some time with the new power cable. I really like it a lot! Best $50 upgrade I’ve ever made. I’m noticing a lower noise floor and a slightly tighter bass. It’s not dramatic but it’s definitely there. I really like your suggestion of replacing one thing at a time. Much easier to know what affect each change has on things. I’m thinking about swapping the power cable on the phono stage next!