Dynamic range - effect on different speaker cables - even very high quality ones

I have siltech Emperor double crown speaker cables. I recently bought Tara Omega Gold. 
The difference was very strange, and significant. I could not put my finger on it and changed interconnects to see if there was a compatibility issue. The Siltechs brought out superbly the main "players" and that sound was bang in my face - great. But it was a bit lean in other areas (more periphery sounds such as tinkling of percussion here and there - that sort of thing). 
The Omegas were exceptionally clean and detailed with EVERYTHING coming through, top to bottom, but no particular light and shade that the Siltechs gave. As such, a great pure sound but a bit soulless and didn't give me the bite that the Siltechs did.
I cannot survive life without the hit that the Siltechs give, so have kept those installed and I use the Omegas in an analogue set up (also lower dynamic range it seems) to enjoy those more

My false assumption before was that different cables had different qualities, and (or but) the basics of each recording would be dealt with principally the same i.e. just a different "house" sound
My dealer was nonplussed too as my description of the differences was a bit out of the ordinary, and the difference were VERY stark. I have tried many different cables over the years and never encountered this issue.

By asking around he came up with an interesting "reasoning"

Normal "players" or sources chuck out at a dynamic range of 70db. My DCS upsampler/clock/dac sends out at twice that, and the cables may get over saturated with the sound and act differently. It may appear that excessive dynamic range was not particularly an issue when they designed the cables and so the effect might be unpredictable?
Does anyone have a practical experience of this too - and I suppose the theory buffs out there could confuse me yet more.

Use the cables at the same time by connecting each to your power amp at one end and to your loudspeakers at the other end.  I think doing it that way is borderline absurd, but others have tried it and reported positive results.  As far as cable saturation goes, I think he made it up.  One more thing, how does upsampling increase dynamic range?

Upsampling doesn’t increase dynamic range.  This is what happens when the ignorant explain the sound of new cables.
I didn't say upsampling increases the dynamic range, I said the dcs vivaldi upsampler increased the dynamic range

You are not beginning to approach cables properly until dealing with full sets. Otherwise, you are playing at it - as most audiophiles do. 
Keep it simple use both cables in parallel as two others have mentioned.  You will have the best of both.  Cable saturation, maybe with a few thousand watts.